Heaventree Co., Ltd. Privacy Policy

Heaventree Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “we” or “the Company”) protects user’s personal information with great responsibility and is committed to protecting the user rights to control one’s own personal information according to the relevant laws and regulations (more specifically provided for in Article 3.3). We provide our Privacy Policy as below, which may be revised according to changes in applicable laws and regulations, our Terms of Service, or our internal policies. When the Privacy Policy is revised, we will notify of the change on our website. This Privacy Policy applies to the service provided by the Company.

Article 1 Collecting personal information

1. What Personal Information We may collect

We will notify you and obtain your consent when we collect your personal information. The following personal information is collected when you sign up for our service.

2. How We collect personal information

In case of collecting personal information, we inform the fact to you in advance and ask for you consent. Personal information is collected via the following methods:

Article 2 Use of personal information

Personal information is used for membership management, managing and improving our services, developing new service, and establishing a safe environment. Specifics are provided below:

Article 3 When We share your information

1. Principle

We only share your personal information within the scope outlined in this Privacy Policy, and generally do not provide personal information to a third party without your prior consent. However, there may be exceptions in the following cases.

2. Sharing your personal information outside of Heaventree

We’ll share personal information outside of Google when we have your consent. When we ask for your permission, you will first be notified of the name of the recipient, what personal information is provided, why the recipient is getting your information, and for how long the recipient will retain and use your personal information.

3. Sharing your personal information with third-party service providers with prior consent

We provide the minimum amount of personal information to our affiliates and other trusted businesses or persons to process it for us, based on our instructions and in compliance with 「Personal Information Protection Act」, 「Act On Promotion Of Information And Communications Network Utilization And Information Protection」, 「Act On Promotion Of Information And Communications Network Utilization And Information Protection」 of Republic of Korea, our Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
We provide personal information to a cloud service provider located overseas. The personal information is provided for the limited purpose of the services of storing and ensuring that we may access the personal information. The service provider only physically manages the server and cannot access users' personal information.
If you don’t want us to provide your personal information to such service provider, you can let us know through our Personal Information Protection Officer. In such case, your personal information will not be transmitted overseas. However, you may not be able to use some of the services that we provide.
Name of the RecipientPurposeStorage Period
Amazon Web
Services Korea Inc.
Data storage and access 1 year from the last service use date or membership cancellation date or other period according to the applicable law

4. Notification of change

In the event that any of the information related to third-party service providers notified to you is changed, we will give you a notice through our website.

Article 4 Destruction of personal information We hold

When the purpose of collecting and using your personal information is achieved, the company destroys it without delay. If any personal information is saved in an electronic file, it is safely deleted so that it cannot be recovered or reproduced. However, the following information is stored for the specified period of time for the given reasons.

A. According to Our internal policy

We keep records of fraudulent or illegal use of service for up to one year.

B. According to relevant laws and regulations

Laws and RegulationsItems of Personal InformationRetained period
Act On the Consumer Protection In Electronic Commerce Records of contract or subscription withdrawal 5 years
Records of payment and supply of goods 5 years
Records of consumer complaints or dispute resolution 3 years
Records of advertisement 6 months
Framework Act on National Taxes Books and supporting documents for all transactions required by tax laws 5 years
Act on Reporting and Using Specified Financial Transaction Information Identification confirmation information 5 years
Electronic Financial Transactions Act Records of electronic financial transactions 5 years
Protection of Communications Secrets Act visit history 3 months

Article 5 We use Cookies and you can Reject them

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are very small text files sent by the website server to the user's web browser when the user accesses the website and are stored in the user's PC.

2. Purpose of using cookies

We use cookies to provide customized services. When you come back to our website, the website server reads the contents of the cookies stored in your PC and maintains environment settings. Cookies help the user use the website easily and conveniently by finding out the user's preferences. Also, they are used to provide customized marketing information by tracing your visit history and user patterns. Cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser or sign out.

3. Options regarding Cookies

You have the option to install cookies or not. Accordingly, you can accept or reject all cookies by adjusting the options in the web browser, or check each time a cookie is saved.

[How to change cookies settings on your computer]

▪ For Chrome browsers

- Select [Settings] on the right side of the browser toolbar. => [Privacy and Security] on the left side of the screen. => “Cookies and other website data”

▪ For Microsoft Edge

- Select [Settings] menu on the right side of the browser toolbar. => [Cookies and Site Permissions] on the left side of the screen. => 'Manage and delete your cookies and other website data’

4. Restrictions on refusal to install cookies

If you refuse to install cookies, web use may become inconvenient and there may be difficulties in using some services that require login. In addition, some services provided by the company, such as personalized services, may be difficult to use.

Article 6 Your Rights

We acknowledge and protect user rights as follows.

Article 7 Personal Information Protection Efforts

We work hard to protect you and the Company from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of information we hold. Here are some of the technical and administrative measures that we take:

1. Your Personal Information is encrypted

We encrypt all personal information and safely stores and manages it. We use encryption to keep your sensitive data private while in transit.

2. Separation of server and controlled access

We separate collected personal information from other company data, and save it in a different server. In addition, the computer room and data storage room are designated as special protection areas, and access is restricted except for authorized personnel.

3. Personal information is protected from hacking attempts and computer viruses.

The company frequently backs up data in preparation for damage to personal information caused by hacking or computer viruses, and is working hard to prevent the system from being infected with malicious codes or viruses by using the latest vaccine program.

4. Personal Information is handled by minimum personnel.

We minimize the number of employees handling personal information, and related computers are not connected to external internet services to protect from unauthorized access.

5. Operation of a dedicated team for personal information protection

We have a team dedicated for personal information protection, which ensure compliance of business with this Privacy Policy. If a non-compliance is found this team detects the root issue and addresses them immediately. However, we are not responsible for any problems caused by the leakage of personal information such as user ID and password due to the user's negligence or internet connection issues.

6. Our employees receive regular training on personal information protection

All employees who handle personal information receive regular in-house training and outsourced training on personal information protection obligations and security.

Article 8 Personal Information Protection Officer

We have a Personal Information Protection officer who will address any inquiries, complaints, feedback or other matters related to personal information protection that arise while you use our service. Please contact our Privacy Protection Officer or the responsible department for such matter. We will do our best to promptly answer any questions you may have.

[Personal Information Protection Officer] Name: Hong Jeong-won Position: Chief Executive Officer Affiliation: Heaven Tree Co., Ltd. E-mail: support@clovine.com Phone number: +82-53-716-0045

Article 9 Scope of Application

This Privacy Policy does not apply to the collection of personal information by other websites whose links are provided within our service. This Privacy Policy applies to you only if you have a contract with the Company.

Article 10 Duty to notify

The personal information processing policy may be revised to reflect any legal or service changes. Should this Privacy Policy be revised, we will make a notification on our website or e-mail you at least 7 days before the effective date.
If there is any major change to user rights, including which personal information is collected and why, we will notify you at least 30 days in advance.
Effective date: March 2, 2022